In Singapore, the Central Provident Fund is a compulsory comprehensive savings and pension plan for working Singapore Citizens & PRs. Most uses their CPF to fund their house as this is one of the only few usage of our CPF funds before retirement. To help more home buyers make informed decisions in their home loans, I’ve created Singapore Mortgage Calculator.

The amount of CPF Ordinary Account (OA) contribution decreases as we grow older. Hence being able to service the mortgage with CPF now does not mean you can continue to do so in the future. This calculator calculates your monthly OA contribution of both employer & employee as you age, and accumulates into your OA account if you have remaining balance after paying off the monthly repayment. It will assume to use 100% of your CPF OA in attempt to pay for your monthly repayment. However this calculator has the following limitations:

  • Does not consider any accrued interest on your balance OA.
  • Does not consider your starting value in your OA account. (May be implemented in the future!)
  • Does not consider any change in interest rate. (Especially using floating rate mortgage. Do beware of that!)
  • The UI only supports having 2 applicants for now.

If you are not from Singapore or CPF does not apply to you, you can still use this mortgage calculator and ignore the “Additional Details” section.

This calculator is created using Golang and compiled as WASM. As we are using Web Assembly to calculate the mortgage, no data is send to our servers and the full calculations are done in your browser.

This tool aims to provide you with some insights before you purchase a property. However this tool must not be used as a financial advice and you should seek an experience realtor or mortgage broker to assist in your property purchase journey.

Applicant 1
Applicant 2
Mortgage Result

Monthly Payment

Total Compounded Interest

Total Amount Payable

Additional Details